Baltice – Ice Navigation
31 minutes
Avg. rating 4.7

Baltice – Ice Navigation
31 minutes
Avg. rating 4.7
  1. Ice Conditions

    Ice Conditions

    There are also symbols for disruptions of the ice, such as leads, fractures, and ridged or hummocked ice. In this lesson, you will learn about ice charts.

  2. Restrictions in Different Geographic Areas

    Restrictions in Different Geographic Areas

    Vessels handle ice in different ways, depending on size, load, strength, and condition.

  3. The Risks of Low Temperatures

    The Risks of Low Temperatures

    Low temperatures and ice constitute a threat to both men, vessels, and cargo. It is crucial to take the right precautions and safety measures.

  4. Voyage Planning

    Voyage Planning

    In winter conditions, vessels must watch their surroundings closely at all times.
