Assessment: Bridge Watchkeeping Final Assessment


Assessment: Bridge Watchkeeping Final Assessment

  • 25
  • Questions
  • No time limit
  • 2
  • Attempts left
  • 70%
  • Passing threshold

Question 1 of 25

What is this piece of equipment?

Question 2 of 25

Which of these is NOT a typical member of the bridge team?

Question 3 of 25

What does the acronym "MGN" stand for?

Question 4 of 25

According to MLC requirements, what is the maximum number of hours you may work in any 24 hour period under non-emergency conditions?

Question 5 of 25

Which of the following in an expected duty of the OOW?

Question 6 of 25

What is this piece of equipment?

Question 7 of 25

What does the "P" in APEM stand for?

Question 8 of 25

What does the "M" in APEM stand for?

Question 9 of 25

How many annexes are contained within the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea?

Question 10 of 25

Which of the following is NOT a basic required certificate for an officer of the watch under STCW regulations?

Question 11 of 25

Which radar will propagate better when navigating in or near falling rain?

Question 12 of 25

What would your navigation status be if you lost steering control?

Question 13 of 25

Which of the following is NOT a basic required certificate for an officer of the watch under STCW regulations?

Question 14 of 25

Which of the following is a useful feature of an ARPA system?

Question 15 of 25

What is this piece of equipment?

Question 16 of 25

Which of the following is NOT a basic required certificate for an officer of the watch under STCW regulations?

Question 17 of 25

The 3 cm radar is worse than the 10 cm radar in rain but otherwise has better resolution. Is this statement true or false?

Question 18 of 25

Which of the following points is NOT required when briefing a watchkeeper?

Question 19 of 25

What does the acronym "MIN" stand for?

Question 20 of 25

Which of the following is an expected duty of the pilot?

Question 21 of 25

Which of the following is not expected of the OOW with regards to managing the watchkeeper?

Question 22 of 25

What is often quoted as the most common cause of navigational incidents at sea?

Question 23 of 25

What is the allowable bearing error of a Radar?

Question 24 of 25

What frequency does EPIRB transmit on?

Question 25 of 25

Which radar is the SART activated by?

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Good work! You just completed the quiz Assessment: Bridge Watchkeeping Final Assessment. Let’s move on to the next.

What is this piece of equipment?

GNSS receiver
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

Which of these is NOT a typical member of the bridge team?

Second Engineer
Your answer
Your answer
Additional Officer
Your answer
Your answer

What does the acronym "MGN" stand for?

Marine Gulf Notice
Your answer
Marine Guidance Notice
Your answer
Merchant Guidance Notice
Your answer
Maritime Guidance Notice
Your answer

According to MLC requirements, what is the maximum number of hours you may work in any 24 hour period under non-emergency conditions?

Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

Which of the following in an expected duty of the OOW?

Explains passage plan and berthing/manoeuvring details.
Your answer
Directs navigation of the ship in pilotage waters.
Your answer
Is responsible for the overall safety of the vessel.
Your answer
Ensures helmsman following advised course.
Your answer

What is this piece of equipment?

Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

What does the "P" in APEM stand for?

Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

What does the "M" in APEM stand for?

Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

How many annexes are contained within the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea?

Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

Which of the following is NOT a basic required certificate for an officer of the watch under STCW regulations?

GMDSS General Operators Certificate
Your answer
NAEST Operational Level
Your answer
Medical First Aid
Your answer
Bridge Resource Management
Your answer

Which radar will propagate better when navigating in or near falling rain?

All radars perform equally well in falling rain.
Your answer
3 cm radar
Your answer
10 cm radar
Your answer
All radars perform equally poorly in falling rain.
Your answer

What would your navigation status be if you lost steering control?

Not under command
Your answer
Constrained by your draft
Your answer
Restricted in your ability to manoeuvre
Your answer
Your answer

Which of the following is NOT a basic required certificate for an officer of the watch under STCW regulations?

ECDIS Generic and Type Specific Certificates
Your answer
Tanker Familiarisation
Your answer
Advanced Fire Fighting
Your answer
Personal Safety and Social Responsibility
Your answer

Which of the following is a useful feature of an ARPA system?

Garbage In, Garbage Out
Your answer
Cup holder
Your answer
Static voyage data
Your answer
Trial manoeuvre
Your answer

What is this piece of equipment?

Your answer
Your answer
GNSS receiver
Your answer
Your answer

Which of the following is NOT a basic required certificate for an officer of the watch under STCW regulations?

Oil Tanker Advanced Training
Your answer
Personal Survival Techniques
Your answer
Advanced Fire Fighting
Your answer
Medical First Aid
Your answer

The 3 cm radar is worse than the 10 cm radar in rain but otherwise has better resolution. Is this statement true or false?

Your answer
Your answer

Which of the following points is NOT required when briefing a watchkeeper?

Expected traffic density.
Your answer
Expected landfall.
Your answer
How to make a cup of tea.
Your answer
How to report observations.
Your answer

What does the acronym "MIN" stand for?

Marine Informants Notice
Your answer
Marine Information Notice
Your answer
Merchant Information Notice
Your answer
Maritime Information Notice
Your answer

Which of the following is an expected duty of the pilot?

Is responsible for safety.
Your answer
Ensures adequacy of the bridge team.
Your answer
Ensures monitoring of ship’s progress.
Your answer
Communicates with the shore, VTS and assisting crafts, etc.
Your answer

Which of the following is not expected of the OOW with regards to managing the watchkeeper?

Ensure they are well fed at all times.
Your answer
Make sure they comply with working hours regulations and is relieved as frequently as possible.
Your answer
Explain how and what observations to report.
Your answer
Ensuring they are suitably attired and protected from weather.
Your answer

What is often quoted as the most common cause of navigational incidents at sea?

Lack of training.
Your answer
Your answer
Lack of understanding.
Your answer
Loss of a navigational aid.
Your answer

What is the allowable bearing error of a Radar?

Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

What frequency does EPIRB transmit on?

506 MHz.
Your answer
206 MHz.
Your answer
306 MHz.
Your answer
406 MHz.
Your answer

Which radar is the SART activated by?

10 cm
Your answer
3 cm
Your answer
5 cm
Your answer
9 cm
Your answer
Score: Attempts:

Too Bad! But That Wasn't Enough

Unfortunately you didn’t have enough correct answers to pass the quiz. Try again!

What is this piece of equipment?

GNSS receiver
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

Which of these is NOT a typical member of the bridge team?

Second Engineer
Your answer
Your answer
Additional Officer
Your answer
Your answer

What does the acronym "MGN" stand for?

Marine Gulf Notice
Your answer
Marine Guidance Notice
Your answer
Merchant Guidance Notice
Your answer
Maritime Guidance Notice
Your answer

According to MLC requirements, what is the maximum number of hours you may work in any 24 hour period under non-emergency conditions?

Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

Which of the following in an expected duty of the OOW?

Explains passage plan and berthing/manoeuvring details.
Your answer
Directs navigation of the ship in pilotage waters.
Your answer
Is responsible for the overall safety of the vessel.
Your answer
Ensures helmsman following advised course.
Your answer

What is this piece of equipment?

Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

What does the "P" in APEM stand for?

Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

What does the "M" in APEM stand for?

Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

How many annexes are contained within the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea?

Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

Which of the following is NOT a basic required certificate for an officer of the watch under STCW regulations?

GMDSS General Operators Certificate
Your answer
NAEST Operational Level
Your answer
Medical First Aid
Your answer
Bridge Resource Management
Your answer

Which radar will propagate better when navigating in or near falling rain?

All radars perform equally well in falling rain.
Your answer
3 cm radar
Your answer
10 cm radar
Your answer
All radars perform equally poorly in falling rain.
Your answer

What would your navigation status be if you lost steering control?

Not under command
Your answer
Constrained by your draft
Your answer
Restricted in your ability to manoeuvre
Your answer
Your answer

Which of the following is NOT a basic required certificate for an officer of the watch under STCW regulations?

ECDIS Generic and Type Specific Certificates
Your answer
Tanker Familiarisation
Your answer
Advanced Fire Fighting
Your answer
Personal Safety and Social Responsibility
Your answer

Which of the following is a useful feature of an ARPA system?

Garbage In, Garbage Out
Your answer
Cup holder
Your answer
Static voyage data
Your answer
Trial manoeuvre
Your answer

What is this piece of equipment?

Your answer
Your answer
GNSS receiver
Your answer
Your answer

Which of the following is NOT a basic required certificate for an officer of the watch under STCW regulations?

Oil Tanker Advanced Training
Your answer
Personal Survival Techniques
Your answer
Advanced Fire Fighting
Your answer
Medical First Aid
Your answer

The 3 cm radar is worse than the 10 cm radar in rain but otherwise has better resolution. Is this statement true or false?

Your answer
Your answer

Which of the following points is NOT required when briefing a watchkeeper?

Expected traffic density.
Your answer
Expected landfall.
Your answer
How to make a cup of tea.
Your answer
How to report observations.
Your answer

What does the acronym "MIN" stand for?

Marine Informants Notice
Your answer
Marine Information Notice
Your answer
Merchant Information Notice
Your answer
Maritime Information Notice
Your answer

Which of the following is an expected duty of the pilot?

Is responsible for safety.
Your answer
Ensures adequacy of the bridge team.
Your answer
Ensures monitoring of ship’s progress.
Your answer
Communicates with the shore, VTS and assisting crafts, etc.
Your answer

Which of the following is not expected of the OOW with regards to managing the watchkeeper?

Ensure they are well fed at all times.
Your answer
Make sure they comply with working hours regulations and is relieved as frequently as possible.
Your answer
Explain how and what observations to report.
Your answer
Ensuring they are suitably attired and protected from weather.
Your answer

What is often quoted as the most common cause of navigational incidents at sea?

Lack of training.
Your answer
Your answer
Lack of understanding.
Your answer
Loss of a navigational aid.
Your answer

What is the allowable bearing error of a Radar?

Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer

What frequency does EPIRB transmit on?

506 MHz.
Your answer
206 MHz.
Your answer
306 MHz.
Your answer
406 MHz.
Your answer

Which radar is the SART activated by?

10 cm
Your answer
3 cm
Your answer
5 cm
Your answer
9 cm
Your answer
Score: Attempts:

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