


Starting with the introductory video, we will set the context for the following five videos that will address the topics of fire team protection, manual firefighting for electric cars, first response, post-fire stage, and manual firefighting for gas vehicles.

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 Alternative-fueled vehicles (AFV) represent different types of hazards compared with vehicles with traditional fuel such as gasoline and diesel with internal combustion engines. Do our usual methods, equipment and training work or do we need to do something more to be safe?

Hands-on firefighting training on AFV shall empower all relevant personnel to act in the case of fire, making sure that crew actions are supported by sufficient competence.

The Lash Fire project is proud to present a series of training videos for effective manual AFV firefighting. First out is an introductory movie setting the context for the coming five movies that will address the following topics:

  • Fire team protection,
  • Manual firefighting, electric cars,
  • First Response,
  • Post-fire stage, and
  • Manual firefighting, gas vehicles.
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As mentioned in the video above. The main reasons behind the topic of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) becoming a serious safety concern are the enormous growth of the AFVs fleet, the potential fire risks of these vehicles and a high uncertainty on the associated fire characteristics.

The document below created by EMSA, helps provide guidance for the safe carriage of AFV's in ro-ro spaces of cargo and passenger ships.