Evaluation and Training

Recognising Security Threats

Recognising Security Threats

This lesson will treat the basic knowledge of techniques used to circumvent security measures, to enable recognition of weapons, dangerous substances, dangerous goods, devices and the awareness of the damage they can cause.


Methods for Maintaining Security

Methods for Maintaining Security

This lesson will treat the basic knowledge of training, drill and exercise requirements under relevant conventions and codes.

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Evaluation and Training

Aim & Philosophy of Exercises

As edited by the Exercitium, the aims and methodology of an exercise are more important than the scenario that it is meant to represent. This sentence implies an exercise is drawn up based on the objectives laid down for it, not based on the scenario. 

In other words, first the objectives, then the scenario. One way of formulating objectives is to hold a meeting of various people in positions of authority within your organisation to gather their opinions. The objectives can help to determine the type of exercise and the scenario. The most crucial aspect of any exercise is to keep skills & know-how up to date and to improve them. Particular operations have to be regularly repeated so that people with security responsibilities acquire the necessary skills and keep them up to the proper level. Exercises can also be used to test out new procedures and so to further expand skills. 

Personnel can be trained in two ways:

  • through an evaluation (i.e. by assessing the tasks carried out by them), or 
  • through training (i.e. teaching people new tasks and coaching them).

Practising procedures enable weaknesses in the security system to be identified. It also tests whether the procedures are workable and effective at the three security levels.

Why carry out exercise? Why participate actively in an exercise?

  • exercises test security plans, policy and procedures, and enable them to be assessed;
  • exercises reveal weaknesses in your security plan;
  • exercises improve individual performance and streamline communication and organization;
  • exercises train personnel, and make tasks and responsibilities clear;
  • exercises are recommended by the regulations;
  • exercises prepare us for reality;
  • exercises heighten our sense of responsibility;
  • • exercises teach us to accept responsibility;

To get a lift in a vehicle.

One way to check the security personnel know the procedures and follow them correctly is to simulate access to the port facility unorthodox way. 

At the same time, it will be testing the security personnel's alertness to follow a drill or annual exercise. Stop a truck on the way to the facility, a few hundred meters away from the gate. Inform the driver about the training in progress as part of an ISPS exercise testing the security personnel's alertness, you can ask him to drive straight past the gate.

The PFSO can decide to use this scenario to make a drill or an annual exercise. The port facility security personnel are invited to participate.

Gain Unauthorised Access

It’s only an example.  Using the cover of a large vehicle can sometimes be elementary to evade security controls and gain unauthorised entry to the facility.

Tailgating: one way of gaining access to a facility, it is done by driving very close behind another vehicle permitted to enter. In this way, it is possible to get inside the facility with an unauthorised vehicle.