Anchor Planning Theory and Multiple Anchor Operations

Understanding Anchoring

Understanding Anchoring

This lesson will provide you with an introduction to anchors; you will gain an understanding of when and why they are used; what types of anchors are out there and why there are variations; we shall also cover the procedures that must be carried out for lowering or heaving the anchor.


Anchoring Operations

Anchoring Operations

In this lesson, we shall explore different anchoring operations and the issues of dragging.


Windlass Maintenance and Assessment

Windlass Maintenance and Assessment

In this lesson, you will go briefly into the importance of maintenance on the windlass and how to carry it out.

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Step 2 of 24 minutes read

Anchor Planning Theory and Multiple Anchor Operations

There are many variations on how to anchor; deciding on what one to choose will depend on many factors that are not limited to:

  1. Ship type.
  2. Weather conditions.
  3. Cargo operations.
  4. Berthing options, etc.
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