Personal Safety & Social Responsibility

2 hours and 36 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

Personal Safety & Social Responsibility

2 hours and 36 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4
  1. Hazards, Safety and Emergencies

    Hazards, Safety and Emergencies

    An introduction to different hazards and dangerous work situations onboard and how they are defined. What to think of and how to protect your self.

  2. Precautions to Prevent Pollution

    Precautions to Prevent Pollution

    What to be aware of to minimise the pollution of the seas. International control measures, the impact of ship construction and pollution from sewage and garbage.

  3. Rights, Relationships and Teamwork

    Rights, Relationships and Teamwork

    Why are the relations onboard so important? How to create good relationships, make the teamwork better, and what may cause problems in the workflow.

  4. Summary and Assessment

    Summary and Assessment

    This lesson breaks down the steps of communication. How to make sure you are understood, and that you understand. Also, ways to make talking and listening more effective.
