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Like all tanker loading operations, FRAMO-fitted tankers are loaded using shore-based pumps. As such, it is important to follow the correct procedures to avoid damage to the pumping systems, especially in the tanks.
When loading on any tanker, it is important to ensure that the initial pressures remain low when beginning to fill a tank. This is to ensure that; the cargo goes into the correct tank, the gas pressure can be monitored effectively and to avoid sending shocks through the system that can damage flanges or valves. To achieve this, the valve should be opened slowly, and the pressure from the shore pumps should be minimal. Once the loading has begun, the valves can be fully opened, and the pumping rate increased as required.
Before loading begins, the ship-to-shore checklist should be completed, and all precautions should be taken to ensure safety and minimise pollution risks. This may include rigging a boom around the vessel, having spill kits and fire hoses available on location, and ensuring that all scuppers are plugged.
It is usual to have separate drop lines into each cargo tank when loading a ship fitted with FRAMO pumps. This bypasses the pump during the loading process so that any risks of damaging the mechanism are avoided. When loading this way, the drop line valves should still be opened slowly, and the loading rates minimised to reduce the risk of damage to the loading lines or other tank fittings. Once the tank has begun to fill up, the valves can be opened fully, and the pressure increases to normal loading conditions.
When separate drop lines are not fitted, loading may still be achieved by the use of the pump line. However, certain precautions need to be taken. The list below details the suggested loading procedures for loading using this method:
Keep the manifold valve closed until the cargo reaches the manifold.
Crack open the manifold valve to fill the cargo loading line.
Open the tank valve and pump valves slowly and monitor the filling.
Open the manifold valve fully and monitor the pressure.
Do not allow the loading pressure to exceed the working pressure (about 8 bar) of the pump while loading, and
When topping off, throttle the tank valve to allow the lines to drain into the tank.
Loading in this manner will minimise the risks of damage to the pump and other fittings by ensuring that operating pressures are not exceeded. It will also reduce the risks of pollution incidents caused by failing seals or incorrect valve operation.
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