
Understand meteorological principles to navigate and anticipate weather patterns, ensuring safe and informed decisions for sailing and boating activities.
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An introductory course where students can learn how to create and analyse a routing strategy through modern navigation instruments. We want to transmit a method more than just a series of concepts.

1 hour and 33 minutes
Avg. rating 3.8

Doing weather routing does not mean just asking the software, "which is the fastest route?". An advanced weather routing is a complete analysis of many different scenarios and options.

1 hour and 39 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

This course explains how the marine barometer works and why it is so useful on board a vessel.

9 minutes
Avg. rating 4.7

This course introduces meteorology to educate the participants with practical knowledge of recognising and predicting potential weather changes on both land and sea.

33 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

Crossing the Gulf Stream safely and efficiently requires knowing the path of the stream and the location of warm and cold core rings. Currents of up to 5 knots can either aid you or slow you, depending on the course you chart. This course will give you the tools needed to interpret satellite data and computer forecast models to be maximally prepared.

54 minutes
Avg. rating 4.0

This course provides a brief overview of the origins of wind in the atmosphere and its interaction with a boat's sails. Discover the mysteries of this unpredictable and captivating force of nature, including its formation and behaviour in relation to other weather variables.

15 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

This course will explain the basic concepts of tides and how they affect sailors.

20 minutes
Avg. rating 4.8

La sicurezza di bordo è fondamentale. Scopri come affrontare una situazione di emergenza e come preparare il tuo equipaggio per una navigazione senza rischi per godersi la crociera al meglio.

33 minutes
Avg. rating 5.0

Quando il vento e il moto ondoso aumentano, occorre prendere accorgimenti tempestivi per continuare a navigare in sicurezza. Questo corso illustra le operazioni manovre base e come svolgere le manovre di riduzione delle vele.

28 minutes
Avg. rating 4.7

Un corso introduttivo in cui gli studenti possono imparare a creare e analizzare una strategia di routing attraverso i moderni strumenti di navigazione. Vogliamo trasmettere un metodo più che una serie di concetti.

1 hour and 30 minutes
Avg. rating 5.0