
Explore the principles and practices of maritime security, including risk assessment, threat identification, security protocols as well as the legislation that governs maritime security.
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Modern slavery is a grave violation of human rights, a crime that robs individuals of their freedom and dignity.

Personal Safety
12 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

This course is designed to teach maritime security professionals how to effectively search a cargo vessel for the presence of contraband and/or stowaways.

This course covers mandates in SOLAS (Chapter 13 - Training).

22 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

Dive into the realm of maritime security with this specialised learning path. Covering piracy and armed robbery, identifying security threats on cargo ships, and understanding the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code), these courses provide crucial knowledge and strategies for ensuring the safety and security of ships, crew, and cargo. Ideal for maritime security professionals and anyone involved in the transportation of goods by sea.

4 hours and 41 minutes

This course is designed to teach maritime security professionals a basic understanding of how to deal with barricaded individuals or those who take hostages.

42 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

This course is designed for the first-line maritime security supervisor and those who desire to become supervisors.

This course covers mandates in the ISPS Code and SOLAS (Chapter 13 - Training).

36 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

This course aims to aid you in stopping disturbances before they arise or quelling them quickly once they have begun.

55 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

This course is designed with cruise ship security personnel in mind. It defines and provides examples of situational awareness onboard cruise ships.

This course covers mandates in the ISPS Code and SOLAS (Chapter 13 - Training)

20 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

In this short course, we will focus on the introduction of ISO 27001: Information Security Management Systems.

Regulations and Policies
39 minutes
Avg. rating 4.2

A Deck Watch has key points that all watchkeepers must follow. In line with that knowledge, all Watchkeepers are given throughout training. It is important to follow standard principles for any vessel, but watchkeepers must also have specialist knowledge that relates only to the specific vessel they are working on; such as container vessels.

Cargo Handling
29 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

Navigation by sea, especially in the international context and above all relating to the transport of goods in large quantities (e.g. container ships), does not exclude specific risks inherent in particular to security threats deriving from malicious third parties. Therefore, it would be advisable for the crew, as part of their training activity, to also receive training notions on safety activities with the aim of increasing the understanding and awareness of the possible threats that could occur during navigation and the related methods of maintaining security vigilance on board.

1 hour and 17 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

When you successfully complete the course "Security Awareness for all Seafarers" you will have the required standard of competence. This enables you to contribute to the enhancement of maritime security through heightened awareness, the ability to recognise security threats, and to respond appropriately.

3 hours and 9 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

In this course you will learn about The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. This code describes how ships, ports and government agencies should act when it comes to security. It gives you guidance on how to act when working in the maritime industry.

6 hours and 12 minutes
Avg. rating 4.2