For Yacht Charter Agencies

Booking Manager Charter Academy Powered by Seably

Make the check-in process for bareboat charters quicker and easier. Reduce the risk of potential damages and accidents and save money.

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Improved Check-in Process

A 3D scan of your boat with interactive hot spots is available pre-check-in and during charter so your guests can fact-check and problem-solve on the go.

Deepen Your Guest's Sailing Skills

Your guests can access 100s of ready-made Seably approved courses about every aspect of sailing, from safety to security or weather to conservation.

Create Your Own Course

Build your own company courses with policies, onboarding, health and safety or check-in protocol as training and orientation for employees. Or extend your service to guests with courses about anything they might want to know, from visitor attractions to secret coves and dining destinations.

Booking Manager and Seably Work Together to Give Guests a Seamless Experience From Start to Finish.

Yacht Charter Agencies that Already use Seably

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Original Content for Sailing and Boating

Seably's short online courses taught by industry leaders and working professionals. New content is added every month.

Latest in Manoeuvring

Latest in Safety

Ready to Get Started?

Join Seably today to help your guests deepen their sailing skills.

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