
Explore specialised clothing requirements for sailing and boating, including gear for various weather conditions and safety considerations.
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In this course, you will learn what is a Personal Lifejacket, how to choose the best one for you and how to use it properly. The course follows the U.S. Coast Guard requirements.

Life Saving Appliances
1 hour and 0 minutes
Avg. rating 4.1

As sailors, we often underestimate the correct clothing to use on a boat, choosing correctly can make a big difference, even in summer. In this short course, we learn the right approach to avoid being caught unprepared, together with some very practical advice to enjoy the experience of sailing without the worry of clothing.

18 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

Troppo spesso sottovalutato, l’abbigliamento corretto in barca può fare una grande differenza, anche d’estate. In questo breve corso impariamo il giusto approccio per non farsi trovare impreparati, assieme a qualche consiglio molto pratico per vivere al meglio questa esperienza.

20 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5