Information Technology

Explore the role of information technology in maritime operations, covering software applications, communication systems and cyber security.
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Communication is vitally important in every organisation. Poor communication can lead to increased employee turnover, poor work satisfaction and a negative work culture.
Effective communication can result in increased productivity, enhanced problem-solving, improved conflict management and a positive work environment. This course is important for all workers, as it will help you to improve your communication skills, both as an individual and as a team.

1 hour and 26 minutes
Avg. rating 4.7

In this short course, we will focus on the introduction of ISO 27001: Information Security Management Systems.

Regulations and Policies
39 minutes
Avg. rating 4.2

Route planning and optimisation involve juggling safety, efficiency, navigation, costs, port rotation, ETAs, speed ranges and additional constraints, such as seakeeping. For ship captains, this is a complex challenge that requires the aid of a decision-supporting tool to give them confidence in their decisions and support execution. We developed SPOS (Ship Performance Optimisation System) to address these challenges.

1 hour and 19 minutes
Avg. rating 4.2

This course addresses the issue of digital stress and addiction we face due to the increased use of digital technology. The course explores what digital stress and addiction are, how they affect people, and how to manage them.

Health and Wellbeing
12 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

The GMDSS network is a vital piece of equipment on board vessels for all seafarers whether it is professional or recreational. The system put in place allows us to connect with emergency services and rescue centres all around the world, preventing thousands of deaths since its inception.

1 hour and 29 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

This course has been designed to give students a good appreciation and understanding of best practices for guaranteeing the correct management of risks directly connected to the increasingly important topic of IT security.

1 hour and 52 minutes
Avg. rating 4.0

This course is for anyone looking to start a podcast today.

Join over 3,000 students being taught in over 100 countries!

This is a no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point crash course that will allow you to have your podcast up and running today!

Information Technology
38 minutes
Avg. rating 5.0

Welcome to the Create Your Own Work Calculator with a Google Link course, where you'll learn to create your very own calculator without extensive knowledge of code.

Information Technology
43 minutes
Avg. rating 5.0

In this course, you'll learn to leverage the power of Python and ChatGPT to guide you through the process of building this addictive Minesweeper game from scratch.

Information Technology
34 minutes
Avg. rating 0.0

Welcome to the No Code Course on building an Employee Directory using Python and ChatGPT.

Information Technology
55 minutes
Avg. rating 0.0

This is a beginner's course to record and edit voice overs for online presentations on Teams, conferences and more.

Information Technology
57 minutes
Avg. rating 3.5

In this course, you will harness the power of Python and ChatGPT to guide you through the process of building this challenging Tower of Hanoi Game from scratch.

Information Technology
39 minutes
Avg. rating 0.0