How to Use a VHF Radio in an Emergency

The Maritime Coach
15 minutes
Avg. rating 4.8

How to Use a VHF Radio in an Emergency

The Maritime Coach
15 minutes
Avg. rating 4.8

The aim of this course is not to make you an expert in the use of VHF or to substitute for an approved operator course. The aim of this course is to give you the knowledge and confidence to use a VHF radio in an emergency.

In this course, we look at the parts of a VHF radio and cover the basics of making an emergency broadcast.

Imagine the situation, you are on a friend's boat for a day out sailing. The friend is very competent and you trust their ability completely. You know a little about sailing but you're mainly onboard to occasionally help, by doing as you are told, more importantly to enjoy a nice day out on the water.

An accident happens, you need help and you need help fast. Your friend is unable to make a call, it's down to you to seek urgent assistance.

You know there is a VHF in the cabin. It's up to you to operate the VHF to call for help.

At the end of this course you won't be an expert in VHF, or have an equivalent level of skill to someone who has completed an approved course but you will know how to call for help.

Topics in this Course

Communications Electronics Safety

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Course Author

The Maritime Coach

The Maritime Coach creates Maritime Training & Educational Resources for Industry and the Public. Our mission is to create resources that viewers want to watch, so on this page, you will find maritime training videos that are primarily designed for entertainment.

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  1. Rating:
    Avg. rating 4.8
  2. Price:
    Get premium for €20.75/month all courses included, or buy only this course
  3. Language: English
  4. Length: 15 minutes
  5. Intended for: Any maritime amateur or professional.
  6. Reference: Not based on any reference
  7. Last Updated: November 01, 2024

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