Personal Safety and Social Responsibility for Yachts

1 hour and 24 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

Personal Safety and Social Responsibility for Yachts

1 hour and 24 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

Working on any type of ship is a hazardous occupation, to which you are exposed as soon as you step onboard. It is necessary to understand the hazards, as well as equipment and procedures, to avoid the risks. There are several types of equipment on board a ship involving safety hazards. Everyone onboard must be aware of the likely dangers concerning this equipment.

During this course, you will learn about emergency procedures and how to protect yourself & your team. What is an emergency, what do different alarm signals sound like and when is PPE (personal protective equipment) needed? You will learn how to comply with emergency procedures and take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment.

You will also be able to observe safe working practices and get some guidelines on how to contribute to better communication and relationships onboard.

Topics in this Course

Human Resource Personal Safety

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Seably is a marketplace for maritime training online. Where anyone can explore, take, or even teach a course. We offer a wide range of flag state-approved STCW courses, legislation typed training, introduction to courses, reflective learning how-to courses, and customer demanded training. With new content added every month, from industry professionals, training centers, subcontractors, and insurance companies, you can find the latest in maritime education.

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  1. Rating:
    Avg. rating 4.4
  2. Price:
    Get premium for €20.75/month all courses included, or buy only this course
  3. Language: English
  4. Length: 1 hour and 24 minutes
  5. Intended for: All personnel working onboard Superyachts.
  6. Reference: Based on parts of IMO Model Course 1.21 and Section A-VI/1 of STCW Code.
  7. Last Updated: October 17, 2023

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