Vacanza In Barca A Vela: Monoscafo O Catamarano?

24 minutes
Avg. rating 4.0

Vacanza In Barca A Vela: Monoscafo O Catamarano?

24 minutes
Avg. rating 4.0

Se non si ha esperienza di vacanze in barca a vela, la scelta è dettata principalmente dall’istinto: quanto è grande? Come si dorme? E il costo? In questo corso base, saliamo a bordo di entrambe le barche, capiamo le caratteristiche principali e le giuste motivazioni che dovrai avere per scegliere un monoscafo o un catamarano.

Il corso base "monoscafo o catamarano", approfondisce bene gli aspetti sostanziali del loro modo di navigare, entrando nello specifico delle caratteristiche degli scafi, degli spazi a bordo e dunque, i pro e contro. Ma non sottovaluteremo l’aspetto economico. Aldo Lavezzo, autore del blog, ci aiuta a fare delle scelte più consapevoli per vivere al meglio la nostra vacanza in barca a vela.

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Saidisale is a blog with practical advice and sea stories to better enjoy your first experience on a boat and find yourself in those "more or less common" places if you know what we are talking about. In an easy, fun way, and by analyzing this lifestyle from every point of view, you will understand how to prepare your bag, live on board, shop and sleep. But also what it means to sail at night, enter and leave a port, be a skipper, or manage seasickness. It was born in 2015 out of the pure passion of the writer, after years of questions and experiences spent sailing from the polar latitudes of Lofoten, the Mediterranean, and up to Seychelles, in a flotilla, for charter companies and private owners. The goal is to describe what it means to experience the sea from the point of view of a boat but also the attitude necessary to better understand life from the point of view of the sea. Therefore, a healthy approach to the "nature of things" is also beneficial for everyday life on land.

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  1. Rating:
    Avg. rating 4.0
  2. Price: Free
  3. Language: Italian
  4. Length: 24 minutes
  5. Intended for: Cruisers
  6. Reference: Not based on any reference
  7. Last Updated: January 05, 2024

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