Identifying Security Threats on Cargo Ships

Safe Waters Maritime
22 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

Identifying Security Threats on Cargo Ships

Safe Waters Maritime
22 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

This course is designed to teach maritime security professionals how to effectively search a cargo vessel for the presence of contraband and/or stowaways.

This course covers mandates in SOLAS (Chapter 13 - Training).

Upon completion of this course, the student will understand proper search techniques onboard a cargo vessel in order to effectively search for the presence of contraband and stowaways. Upon completion of the course, the student will have learnt: which locations to search; how contraband is hidden on cargo ships; and how to identify the presence of stowaways on a vessel. Also, items needed to conduct a comprehensive search of the vessel are covered, plus how you should notify supervisors.

This class was specifically designed for cargo and container vessel search teams.

Topics in this Course

Leadership and Management Risk Management Security

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This Course is Part of a Learning Path

Learning Path

Maritime Security Essentials

  • Seably · 3 courses

Course Author

Safe Waters Maritime

Safe Waters (


Safe Waters, Inc is dedicated to enhancing the quality of services through providing training to maritime security professionals. Our dedicated and highly trained staff are ready to serve your needs through online, in-person, or hybrid training courses. Crafted with the security professional in mind, Safe Waters courses follow SOLAS, ISPS, and CVSSA rules and company procedures in providing training opportunities in formats that best suit the security professional's needs.

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  1. Rating:
    Avg. rating 4.3
  2. Price:
    Get premium for €20.75/month all courses included, or buy only this course
  3. Language: English
  4. Length: 22 minutes
  5. Intended for: This course is intended for maritime security professionals in the course of their searches for contraband and stowaways.
  6. Reference: Not based on any reference
  7. Last Updated: May 30, 2024

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