Gas Detection Equipment Calibration Procedures

3D Fleet Learn
1 hour and 1 minute
Avg. rating 4.5

Gas Detection Equipment Calibration Procedures

3D Fleet Learn
1 hour and 1 minute
Avg. rating 4.5

Calibration checks the response of gas detectors and adjusts the devices to ensure optimum accuracy, it is therefore of paramount importance to ensure proper calibration is carried out by properly trained personnel. It normally involves various types of testing at fixed intervals. An additional bump test is to be performed prior to every use. Since these instruments act as a safety barrier when in use, calibrating such instruments will not only reduce risks but will also enhance safety, therefore, saving lives.

Upon completion of this course, the candidate will have a sound knowledge of the principle and the use of Gas Detection equipment onboard and the proper maintenance and calibrations that need to be carried out.

The learning outcomes of the Course will include Introduction to Gas Detection Equipment; Categories and Types of Gas Detectors; Calibration; Tests and Limitations of the Equipment & Procedure for the use of Gas Detection Equipment.

Topics in this Course

Deck Operations Personal Safety Risk Management

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Course Author

3D Fleet Learn

3D Fleet Learn is an innovative training company providing high quality education material designed to be engaging and meet the needs of modern seafarers. We use a mix of live action and 3D graphics to engage learners with real-world shipping scenarios and expert knowledge to ensure maximum impact and enjoyment of the lessons.

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  1. Rating:
    Avg. rating 4.5
  2. Price:
    Get premium for €20.75/month all courses included, or buy only this course
  3. Language: English
  4. Length: 1 hour and 1 minute
  5. Intended for: All deck and engineering ranks and grades on any type of vessel.
  6. Reference: Based on parts of SOLAS Chapter XI-7, ISO 19891-1:2017
  7. Last Updated: May 04, 2023

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