Leadership and Management

Develop leadership and management skills relevant to the maritime context, emphasising effective decision-making and team coordination.
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Risk management is a key safety process. It makes you more safety- conscious in every stage of your job and helps you prevent accidents proactively.

Risk Management
14 minutes
Avg. rating 4.7

The purpose of this course is to provide Engineers and shore superintendents with a basic knowledge of the source, use and precautions to be taken when using fuel oils on board ships. It covers Bunkering operations and the dubious practices used by some suppliers.

2 hours and 2 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

This guide is the compiled work between Chalmers- and Linnaeus University and is designed to give the crew that are involved in On-Board Training, guidance on regulations, tasks as supervisors as well as how to use ISF Training Record Books.

Leadership and Management
21 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

Failing to set effective goals can lead to boredom, complacency and a feeling of being stuck. In this course, we will look at how to set effective goals, in and out of work. By doing so, we can become more productive, improve our motivation and achieve our targets both as an individual and part of a team.

This course is important for all workers, as setting effective goals is a skill that everyone should be working on continuously. As we will see in this course, there are always ways to improve.

Human Resource
46 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

This course is tailored for a wide range of maritime professionals, focusing specifically on the important procedures and workings of a ship’s Engine Room. Designed to provide a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, this course will guide you through the dynamics of engine room operations, ensuring compliance with global standards and regulations, mostly set by IMO.

Engine Machinery and Systems
2 hours and 42 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

It is a fundamental human right to not be subjected to threats, bad treatment or discrimination. In fact, this type of behaviour is illegal. It is regulated by legislation such as the Swedish Discrimination Act, but it is often difficult to know where to draw the line, or when to step in.

Human Resource
33 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

This course introduces the legislation and guidance for Bridge Watch Handovers. The learner will explore the fundamental principles of handing over the watch as well as the practical applications.

30 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

Have you ever been tired to the extent that it impacts your physical or mental capabilities? Fatigue; the state of feeling tired, weary or sleepy is a major concern. However, with strong awareness and proper management of fatigue, you can prevent, eliminate and reduce any risk that it may pose not only to your own safety and health but also to those around you.

Health and Wellbeing
23 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

This is a comprehensive introduction to First Aid and the techniques for administering basic medical care.

3 hours and 6 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

Unlock the potential of Microsoft Office for beginners' personal and office productivity. This course covers the beginner's need-to-knows on Microsoft Power Automate Desktop, PowerPoint, Excel, and Designer to streamline your workflow and boost your efficiency.

Information Technology
42 minutes
Avg. rating 3.2

Harassment and bullying are unwanted behaviours that intimidate, humiliate, degrade or threaten a person. They should neither be accepted nor tolerated.

Leadership and Management
26 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

Det är en grundläggande mänsklig rättighet att inte utsättas för hot, diskriminering eller bli illa behandlad. I själva verket är denna typ av beteende olagligt och regleras av lagstiftning i form av diskrimineringslagen. Men det är ofta svårt att veta var man ska dra gränsen, eller när man ska ingripa.

Health and Wellbeing
23 minutes
Avg. rating 4.2