Risk Management

Understand the principles of risk assessment and management in the maritime industry, addressing potential hazards and mitigating strategies.

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This course is directed to the training of the personnel responsible for the control of the waters on board seagoing vessels. The aim of the course is to develop adequate knowledge of the healthiness of drinking water, the health damage that can result from contaminants of a chemical or microbiological nature and the main sanitisation procedures for drinking water.

38 minutes
Avg. rating 4.8

Navguide Solutions courses will assist in maintaining your vessel in all respects and improve your results in third-party Inspections, like Port State, SIRE, Rightship, Flag state inspections, audits, etc. This will also assist in bolstering your knowledge and skill, which in turn will help boost your self-confidence and groom you into a thorough marine professional ready for promotions and dealing with challenges onboard.
Let’s embark on this journey to empower you to develop an eye, to spot non-compliance and eventually turn you into a highly valuable member of the ship's team.

46 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

This short course will discuss the symptoms and treatment of Malaria disease, travel advice and prevention.

10 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

This course is directed to the training of the personnel responsible for the control of the waters on board seagoing vessels. The aim of the course is to develop adequate knowledge of the healthiness of drinking water and how disease & infections travel through water.

44 minutes
Avg. rating 4.7

Denna kurs är en introduktionsutbildning för dig som ska arbeta i skärgårdstrafik. I denna utbildning kommer du att lära dig de teoretiska grunderna i sjösäkerhet.

Emergency Procedures
53 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3