Onboard Operations

Master the practical tasks and emergency procedures conducted on a vessel, ensuring seamless onboard operations.
Courses to Get You Started
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Level 3 Supervising food safety at sea is aimed to help supervisors and managers on board to support, train and implement excellent food safety practices as part of the food safety management system.

Interior and Service
2 hours and 31 minutes
Avg. rating 5.0

This course provides practical knowledge on handling corrosive cargoes safely on tanker vessels. It covers cargo properties, potential hazards, personal protective equipment (PPE), spill response procedures, and compliance with environmental regulations to ensure safety and operational efficiency.

Cargo Handling
14 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

This course provides training on synthetic mooring ropes, covering their care, maintenance, inspection, and safe usage. It includes best practices for mooring operations, safety precautions, and guidelines from the latest industry standards, such as MEG4. Participants will learn to maximise rope performance while ensuring safety and operational efficiency.

Deck Operations
18 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

Time & Temperature is important for all food handlers onboard to understand as part of their everyday work onboard.

Interior and Service
12 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

Food safety is taken very seriously onboard. This short course is an awareness for all crew in the role they play in supporting food safety. Your shipping company ensures all food handlers have the correct compliance training and implement a food safety management system.

Interior and Service
15 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

This training is designed to enable crew to understand Public health, sanitation and infection control to commensurate with their job role. Public health has become more prominent since the global pandemic of COVID 19, however public health and outbreak management has always been high priority on board.

Interior and Service
42 minutes
Avg. rating 4.0

This short course is to help all crew understand why hand-washing is important as part of everyday good practice onboard.

Interior and Service
13 minutes
Avg. rating 3.8

This course is in the form of a story of a vessel m.t.Reefcon. During the voyages, the vessel faces a number of problems in the Refrigeration and Airconditioning system on board which requires the trainee to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical trouble shooting.
This course will help engineers apply basic principles to troubleshoot these systems.

1 hour and 1 minute
Avg. rating 5.0

Navigation by sea, especially in the international context and above all relating to the transport of goods in large quantities (e.g. container ships), does not exclude specific risks inherent in particular to security threats deriving from malicious third parties. Therefore, it would be advisable for the crew, as part of their training activity, to also receive training notions on safety activities with the aim of increasing the understanding and awareness of the possible threats that could occur during navigation and the related methods of maintaining security vigilance on board.

1 hour and 15 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

Learn about the different types of Inert Gas systems, on gas tankers; and how they differ from Inert gas systems on oil tankers.

46 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

This training is specifically designed so that the participant can acquire the necessary knowledge and skills relating to the legislation and obligations for companies that carry out shipments, loading, unloading, stowage, packaging and any other activity related to the maritime transport of dangerous goods.

Cargo Handling
50 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

This course has been designed to give students a good appreciation and understanding of best practices for guaranteeing the correct management of risks directly connected to the increasingly important topic of IT security.

1 hour and 52 minutes
Avg. rating 4.1