Health and Wellbeing

Promote a healthy lifestyle for maritime professionals, covering physical and mental well-being topics.
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Hypertension is a very common condition, affecting billions of adults worldwide. Despite being so common, it remains one of the most widely misunderstood and poorly controlled conditions. Left uncontrolled, hypertension can increase the risk for serious health problems such as heart attack and stroke.

Avg. rating 4.7

Welcome; you are about to gain an understanding on how to deal with the Media as a seafarer on your vessel.

47 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

Have you ever been tired to the extent that it impacts your physical or mental capabilities? Fatigue; the state of feeling tired, weary or sleepy is a major concern. However, with strong awareness and proper management of fatigue, you can prevent, eliminate and reduce any risk that it may pose not only to your own safety and health but also to those around you.

Health and Wellbeing
23 minutes
Avg. rating 4.4

A varied diet is a key to staying healthy. This course teaches you more about nutrients and vitamins, and how you can create various dishes providing the right kind of energy and fit many. Not to forget, courses that look delicious to eat.

Health and Wellbeing
53 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

The present course has been created to meet the requirements of D. Lgs. 271/99, Art. 1 Letter g). It provides the information and training required to the crew to maintain the safety of the workplace by being aware of the potential risks involved in living and working on a ship. The course will also help to understand the responsibilities and relations involved in the D. Lgs. 271/99 implementation, guiding the Seafarers in the correct flow of operations onboard, including the duties and responsibilities of each Crew member and the special functions appointed by the Company.

Regulations and Policies
1 hour and 31 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

Every year, many people become ill unnecessarily because of their food. This is usually a lack of procedures, ignorance, or sheer negligence. All employees in the company must take responsibility for food safety.

Health and Wellbeing
45 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

Cholelithiasis, or gallstones, is a highly prevalent medical problem especially in developed countries, affecting 10% to 15% of the adult population. It is also a leading cause of hospital admissions and health care utilisation related to gastrointestinal problems. Although some significant risk factors are non-modifiable such as advanced age, gender and heredity, some are also lifestyle-related such as obesity, rapid weight loss and sedentary lifestyle. Given the lifestyle-related risk factors of cholelithiasis, seafarers may be at increased risk due to the circumstances on board.

Avg. rating 4.6

Asbestos on board ships, although contained in set quantities, can still be present. It is therefore necessary that the personnel operating on board the vessels, as well as the Prevention and Protection Service Manager, are adequately informed and trained about the potential risks associated with a context in which, there is asbestos in the workplace.

Risk Management
29 minutes
Avg. rating 4.1

Det är en grundläggande mänsklig rättighet att inte utsättas för hot, diskriminering eller bli illa behandlad. I själva verket är denna typ av beteende olagligt och regleras av lagstiftning i form av diskrimineringslagen. Men det är ofta svårt att veta var man ska dra gränsen, eller när man ska ingripa.

Health and Wellbeing
23 minutes
Avg. rating 4.2