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In this course, we will look at the importance of Equality & Diversity in an organisation. We will understand what is meant by 'equality' and 'diversity' and how we can implement this in our workplace.

Human Resource
1 hour and 8 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

Have you ever been tired to the extent that it impacts your physical or mental capabilities? Fatigue; the state of feeling tired, weary or sleepy is a major concern. However, with strong awareness and proper management of fatigue, you can prevent, eliminate and reduce any risk that it may pose not only to your own safety and health but also to those around you.

Health and Wellbeing
23 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

Covid-19 has been a major negative stress factor for crew and shipping organisations. The seafarer is one of the most exposed working groups to mental illness, as onboard life can be isolated, have long working hours, unhealthy food habits, give less qualitative sleep and entail stressful situations. Mental health has for a long time been stigmatised and shameful. The truth is that this is as much real as our physical health and actually these two are connected in several ways! It is time to skip the shame and bring mental health to the table.

Health and Wellbeing
1 hour and 4 minutes
Avg. rating 4.7

Crew members’ mental health is an increasing concern in the maritime industry – and rightfully so. According to a study from the World Health Organisation (WHO), seafarers are the second most at-risk profession for suicide worldwide.

Health and Wellbeing
18 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

It is a fundamental human right to not be subjected to threats, bad treatment or discrimination. In fact, this type of behaviour is illegal. It is regulated by legislation such as the Swedish Discrimination Act, but it is often difficult to know where to draw the line, or when to step in.

Human Resource
33 minutes
Avg. rating 4.3

Mental health is as important as physical health in ensuring that the seafarers onboard can perform their duties efficiently and safely. It is essential then that a strong culture of mental health awareness and wellbeing is maintained on ships by managers and crew alike.

Health and Wellbeing
43 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

The human element is a key component contributing to the safety of life onboard ships and unfortunately, it is also one of the main contributors to a large number of casualties in the maritime industry. This can only be made worse by bad human relations onboard. Therefore, human relations and social responsibilities work hand in hand to mitigate casualties and incidents, by ensuring that the seafarers are in a happy working environment resulting in proper communication and good and effective teamwork.

Human Resource
1 hour and 7 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

The International Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) mandates that chemical manufacturers must communicate a chemical’s hazard information to chemical handlers by providing a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). MSDSs typically contain chemical properties, health, and environmental hazards, protective measures, as well as safety precautions for storing, handling, and transporting chemicals.

Personal Safety
12 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

Every year, many people become ill unnecessarily because of their food. This is usually a lack of procedures, ignorance, or sheer negligence. All employees in the company must take responsibility for food safety.

Health and Wellbeing
45 minutes
Avg. rating 4.5

A pandemic is challenging, both from a physical and mental health perspective and from a business point of view. But with guidance, we can all help prevent the virus from spreading. In this training, you will get information about the virus, how to avoid infection and preventive measures to maintain a safe workplace.

Health and Wellbeing
1 hour and 47 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

In this course, we will look at effective drug and alcohol prevention. We will cover many aspects ranging from the risks involved to legal requirements and responsibilities of workers and employers.

This course is important for all staff, management and directors.

Regulations and Policies
58 minutes
Avg. rating 4.6

Back pain is a highly prevalent condition across many industries worldwide, and the maritime industry is no exception given the physically demanding nature of work onboard. Although back pain doesn't seem like a serious problem, it has a significant impact on a worker's life. In fact, it is highly associated with significant disability and absenteeism among workers.

Avg. rating 4.8